Grand Valley River Corridor Initiative

The Grand Valley’s River Corridor extends from De Beque, Colorado to the Utah state line; it also encompasses the Gunnison River from Bridgeport to the confluence with the Colorado River.

This project will evaluate riparian and floodplain health metrics, identify conservation and restoration projects, characterize water user flow preferences linked to flow metrics and trends, and support the development of a framework among local governments for inter-jurisdictional River Corridor management. It also will support stakeholder facilitation and outreach activities. This scope is tailored to fill gaps and provide connections with ongoing partner efforts.

Lead Organization : RiversEdge West

Partners : Colorado Mesa University, American Rivers, Audubon, CO Canyons Association, Western CO Community Foundation, local governments, Colorado River District

Project Phase : Study and Implementation

Project Timeline : We hope this will be an ongoing initiative; our current grants go through March 2025.

Goals : Decision-making about River Corridor land-use, native and endangered species habitat, and flow management are largely siloed, not always considering the cumulative and long-term impacts they might have on this valuable resource. The Grand Valley River Corridor Initiative (RCI) was created to foster enhanced coordination, planning, and collaboration on river corridor related activities within the Grand Valley River Corridor.

XSP Strategy : MCD XSP Strategy #1 - Collaboration


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