Master Irrigator Program

The demand for water on the Western Slope of Colorado is ever-increasing due to population growth, urbanization, and climate change. In rural and urban areas alike, shifting community attitudes and normalizing water conservation as a desirable community goal requires extensive communication and education. The primary goal of the Colorado Master Irrigator Program is to help producers determine how to maintain profitability while integrating tools and strategies that can help them improve water and energy-use efficiency and increase water conservation on their operation. The program is a non-profit, 4-day, 32-hour educational course that will be offered annually over three years to farmers and crop consultants starting in early 2025 through a collaborative effort between Delta and Mesa Conservation Districts. 

The Delta/Mesa Master Irrigator program will follow the model of the highly successful Colorado Master Irrigator Program, which has already documented and quantified the successful impact of well over 200,000 irrigated acres of land. Our program will be specifically crafted, with producer and expert input, to offer a high-quality program, positively impacting many more acres here in our unique region of the Colorado and Gunnison River Basins. Program sessions develop an annual class cohort network of 25 participants and cover topics such as integrating advanced conservation and irrigation management practices. Additionally, the program will provide up-to-date information on regional hydrology, technology improvements, and Colorado River compact obligations. 

Funding to bring the Colorado Master Irrigator program to our region is achieved through grant campaigns and partner sponsorships. There are many levels for individuals and organizations to support and sponsor the Delta / Mesa Colorado Master Irrigator program. 

All sponsors will be recognized on the statewide Colorado Master Irrigator program website, recognized in the Delta/Mesa Master Irrigator program course materials, and on the Delta and Mesa Conservation District websites. 

Sponsorship Levels: 


Limited to four partners (one for each day), Platinum partners will...

  • Offer product and/or service discounts to program graduates

  • Sponsor lunch for at least one session of the Colorado Master Irrigator course

  • Donate at least $2,000 or more to the program

  • Offer a brief presentation to the class to promote their organizations’ product(s) and/or services during the sponsored lunch. Platinum sponsor logos are highlighted on the Master Irrigator agenda for the day.


Gold category partners will…

  • Donate at least $2,000 to the program

  • Optional - Offer product and/or service discounts to program graduates 


Silver category partners will…

  • Donate at least $1,000 to the program

  • Optional - Offer product and/or service discounts to program graduates


Bronze category partners will...

  • Donate between $200-$999 to the program

To learn more about the program and find out how you can partner with us to sponsor the Delta/Mesa Colorado Master Irrigator program, please reach out to:

Holly Stanley - Mesa CD Manager
